B R E A K T H R U   M E D I A   D I G I T A L   M A G A Z I N E

July/August 2024
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Attorney:  Marie A. Bookman
Judge:  Kern Reese
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A B O U T    U S
Marlon Favorite:
Lessons in life from a Super Bowl Champion, Sports Consultant, Commentator, Musician and Family Man 
Dr. Tracey Levens:  
Profile of a Multi-Talented,
 Multi-Faceted M.D.
By Anita Oubre
A Visionary And An Innovator: 
Eric Cager prepares for this year’s Cutting Edge musical education event
Whether on the football field, behind a television prompter or onstage, Marlon ”Big Fav” Favorite takes his life’s experiences and runs with them. A retired American football player from New Orleans, Marlon uses the many life lessons he learned on the gridiron to communicate and promote trust among team members while looking out for the benefit of everyone involved. His faith and values have helped him succeed as a writer, performer, producer and engineer. “The lifestyle of a professional athlete is not easy,” Marlon said. “When I look back on the journey there was a lot of anxiety being moved around and being unsettled.” And though he moved around frequently during his professional football career in the late 2000s and early 2010s, there was one constant in Marlon’s life and that was his faith.
Who could have thought that someone who endured such a challenging childhood as did Tracey Levens,  would become the success story that she is today? A fully licensed medical practitioner with an M.D. aſter her name, Tracey is also an actor, musician, composer, lead singer, motorcycle and offshore boat racer, scuba diving instructor, rock-climber and a mermaid. She was also a candidate for NASA as a mission specialist and is currently acting as the on-set medical director for a full-length film and much more. 
She has lived an adventurous, event-filled life that others may find hard to believe. And, above all, she is the proud mother of a young singer who has begun his rise on the stages of the Los Angeles opera world. Anyone who meets Tracey for the first time is immediately astounded by her exuberant personality and her boundless energy level. 
Here in New Orleans, a city world-renowned for its musical heritage, it is only fitting that a prestigious musical conference and talent showcase would be held here on an annual basis. Tat event, billed as Cutting Edge C.E., is being 
presented for the 32nd year, from August 21-24, and is already starting to draw attendees from all over the world.
Cutting Edge is the brainchild of Eric Cager, who co-founded it in the early 1990s, along with his partner in the venture, the late attorney Vernon Tomas. Eric still presides over it and has added to and fine-tuned it over the years. Tis year’s conference will feature educational sessions with working musicians and other music professionals, plus other key facets of the music industry and live performances by well-known, established professional musicians.​
By Dean M. Shapiro
By Dean M. Shapiro